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Guess who LOVES NY?

GUCCI does apparently!

Starting tomorrow the new "Gucci Loves NY" campaign will be underway hitting bus stops, taxis and phone booths. The campaign even includes a contest where participants are asked to tell what they love. A great way to keep fashionistas anticipating the grand opening of the Gucci NY flagship store. Here's the official contest information:

"Gucci Loves NY, What do you Love?" Contestants are asked to submit a photo of themselves with a Gucci accessory at their favorite New York City location, along with a short blurb on why it's special. Four winners will each receive an exclusive, limited-edition Gucci bag, and their spot will be featured on The contest ends February 28, so start snapping!

In more "matters of the heart" news...

Check out Ashanti donning this cute red and white Tracy Reese number for the annual Red Dress Event this fashion week. The RED DRESS EVENT is a charity fashion show featuring celebrities wearing special red dresses designed by fashion biggest names. Proceeds from the show go to support the National Heart Disease Association. Heart disease is one of the leading killers in American women. This year's official spokeswoman was the beautiful Toni Braxton who had a bout with heart disease herself last year.